Literature era


Periods in literature


Majo Galleno

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How history affected literature.
Published in: Education

 Periods in literature

  1. 1. Third Form Literature Literature Periods and Movements Maria Jose Galleno
  2. 2. Scholars often group works from a certain timeframe together and label it as a period or movement. ❖ Renaissance Literature ❖ The Enlightenment ❖ Romanticism ❖ Transcendentalism ❖ Victorian Literature ❖ Realism ❖ Naturalism ❖ Modernism ❖ Bloomsbury Group ❖ Existentialism ❖ Beat Generation
  3. 3. Renaissance ❖ 1500 - 1670 ❖ Renaissance literally means rebirth ❖ An awakening from the Dark Ages ❖ What had been a stagnant, even backsliding kind of society re-invested in the promise of material and spiritual gain. ❖ belief that humanity was making progress towards a noble summit of perfect existence ❖ The steady rise of nationalism, coupled with the first flourishing of democracy, were traits common to the entire European Continent. ❖ The single greatest innovation of the Renaissance era was the printing press ❖ The English Renaissance produced some of the greatest works of literature the world has known ❖ The spirit of optimism, unlimited potential, and the stoic English character all coalesced to generate literature of the first order


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